Anti-Semitic Incidents on College Campuses in 2015

  • May 27, 2015

After the alarm­ing anti-Semitic inci­dent at UCLA ear­lier this year, the national discussion about the prob­lem of anti-Semitism on col­lege cam­puses continues.

While such inci­dents are cer­tainly dis­turb­ing, it is important to note that these inci­dents are rel­a­tively rare, and the vast major­ity of Jew­ish stu­dents report feeling safe on their cam­puses. When such inci­dents do occur, they are gen­er­ally con­demned by admin­is­tra­tors and the wider cam­pus com­mu­ni­ties at their respec­tive colleges.

That being said, anti-Semitic incidents continue to take place on campuses in 2015. Below are some selected examples:

  • In May at Drexel, a student came back to his dorm room to find a swastika and the word “JEW” taped next to his Israeli

    Swastika and the word “JEW” taped next to a Drexel student’s Israeli flag in his dorm room


  • Several swastikas, along with personal slurs and epithets, were spray-painted on Stanford University’s chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon in April.
  • In April, vandalism of a dorm at the University of Missouri included a swastika, the Illuminati symbol, and the word “heil.” Later, another swastika and the words, “You’ve been warned,” were discovered in the same area.
  • A dorm at Pur­chase Col­lege, SUNY was van­dal­ized on March 18 with swastikas and other hate­ful graffiti.
  • In March at the University of California, Los Angeles, a student was asked, “Given that you are a Jewish student and very active in the Jewish community, how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view?” during the Student Council’s confirmation of the nomination of the student to the council’s Judicial Board.
  • At the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley, the phrase “Zion­ists should be sent to the gas cham­ber” was found in a cam­pus restroom in March and a swastika was found on a uni­ver­sity owned build­ing in February.
  • On Feb­ru­ary 22, Uni­ver­sity of Chicago stu­dents and staff reported anti-Semitic posts on a Face­book page called UChicago Secrets, such as “Peo­ple are hyp­ocrites. This is a fact. One exam­ple? The Jews at UChicago…” and “As a Per­son of Pales­tin­ian descent, I don’t think it is unrea­son­able or hor­rific for me to hate Jews…”
  • At the end of Feb­ru­ary, threat­en­ing anti-Semitic com­ments were posted on Yik Yak (an anony­mous social media app that allows peo­ple to send and receive posts in a local­ized area) for the Uni­ver­sity of Chicago area. Some posts named spe­cific stu­dents, while others expressed more gen­eral anti-Semitic sen­ti­ments such as, “Gas them, burn them and dis­man­tle their power struc­ture. Human­ity can­not progress with the par­a­sitic Jew.”
  • In Feb­ru­ary, three swastikas were drawn inside a George Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­sity dorm.

    Swastikas on the Alpha Epsilon Pi fra­ter­nity house at the  Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Davis

If you have expe­ri­enced an anti-Semitic inci­dent on cam­pus or else­where, please report it to ADL here.