ADL Blog

Spotlight On: Julissa Gutierrez

We are proud to recognize Julissa Gutierrez, an alumnus of ADL New York Region’s Summer Internship Program class of 1998, for her appointment to Deputy Director of Constituency Affairs for Governor Cuomo’s administration. Julissa previously served in a number of roles at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund; most recently as Director of National

The 21st Annual Edward Brodsky Legal Conference

The New York Region’s Lawyers Division hosted its 21st annual Edward Brodsky Legal Conference, The 50th Anniversary of Selma: Its Legacy and Enduring Challenges, on Tuesday, March 10th at the Times Center in New York City. The panel was moderated by Deborah M. Lauter, ADL’s Director of Civil Rights and featured today’s leading experts in civil rights – Cheryl Greenberg,

Profiles in Leadership: Stephanie Weiss and Harris Scher

Names: Stephanie Weiss and Harris Scher  ADL Roles: Co-Chairs, ADL New York Region’s Next Generation Philanthropy Executive Board    How did you get involved in ADL? Stephanie: The first time I heard about ADL, I was around 10 years old. I was with my family on summer vacation.  When we were checking into the hotel, a place we had stayed

Books Matter: The Power of Children’s Literature

Any­one who has ever read to or with a child—parent, fam­ily mem­ber, teacher or friend—knows books leave last­ing impres­sions. Beyond the edu­ca­tional ben­e­fits, books have the power to instill empa­thy, affirm, teach, trans­port and inspire action. Books matter. Empa­thy In expos­ing chil­dren to other people’s sto­ries and the moti­va­tions and feel­ings behind those nar­ra­tives, chil­dren begin to con­nect with oth­ers